Tuesday, December 9, 2008


and she was gone.

gone with the wind,
her surname backward was sinned
and her first name she binned.
changed a letter
for the better
its not official
but ultimately superficial.

she has low self esteem
worries like an emo teen
anxiety meds by the bed
'holy fuck its 5am' she said.
and back to bed to rest her weary head.

and she was gone.

she wears colourful things
coz it cheers her up and hides the stings.
she write a lot and often sings.
she hopes to high
and falls to far
she's a restless spirit
without a car.

she strives to stand out
strives to make a difference
change the world
in this instance.
and make it instant,
fixed, control-alt-delete
but her motivations are growing obsolete..

and she was gone.

and she tends to fuck a few things up
but she's learnt from it,
put the spilt milk in a cup.
things tend to mean a lot more to her
and thats why she writes it down here and there.
she often thinks she says too much
concerning her opinions and emotion and such.

but naturally she's quite the optimistic being
hope keeps her going and living.
she loves to make you laugh
even if she acts daft.
those time when we giggle so hard we cry
those are the times that make her smile and sigh.

"you'll either make it or break it,"
said and old friend.
and by golly she was right
there's never and end.
she travels when she can
escapes all she knows
to experience an unknown land
to find some space to grow.

give her an opportunity,
give her a chance,
let her find her direction
and there's no time to glance.
just let her go,
make some space, leave some room..


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